杨晓冬 博士/教授,博士生导师。
2017年获新加坡南洋理工大学传播学博士,现已发表多篇SSCI/CSSCI学术期刊论文,所发表的论文期刊包括Public Understanding of Science, Mass Communication & Society, Science Communication, Internet Research, International Journal of Communication等。论文连续多年被国际传播学会(ICA)和美国新闻与大众传播教育协会(AEJMC)年会会议接收。此外,还主持和参与多项国家社会科学基金项目及教育部人文社科项目。
SSCI权威期刊Environmental Communication编委成员
Chinese Journal of Communication,Mass Communication & Society等国际SSCI期刊的审稿人
曾担任SSCI期刊Asian Journal of Communication的助理编辑
PhD in Communication Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
1. Yang, X., Chen, L., & Wei, R. (2023). Extending the Cognitive Mediation Model to Examine Public Support for Funding Science and Technology Development in China: Media Attention, Information Processing, Scientific literacy, and Nationalism. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 35(1), edac037. (SSCI)
2. Zhang, L., Yang, X., & Jung, E. H. (2023). When Does WeChat Usage Decrease Loneliness? A Panel Study Examining the Moderating Roles of Age and Perceived Network Supportiveness. Social Science Computer Review, 41(2), 438–460. (SSCI, 通讯作者)
3. Yang, X., & Zhang, L. (2022). Message Presentation Is of Importance as Well: The Asymmetric Effects of Numeric and Verbal Presentation of Fear Appeal Messages in Promoting Waste Sorting. Environmental Communication, 16(8), 1059-1076. (SSCI)
4. Yang, X., Wei, R., & Ho, S. S. (2021). If Others Care, I Will Fight Climate Change: An Examination of Media Effects in Addressing the Public Goods Dilemma of Climate Change Mitigation. International Journal of Communication, 15, 21. (SSCI)
5. Yang, X., & Zhang, L. (2021). Reducing parent-adolescent conflicts about mobile phone use: The role of parenting styles. Mobile Media & Communication, 9(3),563-583. (SSCI)
6. Zhang, L., & Yang, X. (2021). Linking risk perception to breast cancer examination intention in China: Examining an adapted cognitive mediation model. Health communication, 36(14), 1813-1824. (SSCI, 通讯作者)
7. Yang, X., Chen, L., & Ho, S. S. (2020). Does media exposure relate to the illusion of knowing in the public understanding of climate change?. Public Understanding of Science,29(1), 94-111. (SSCI)
8. Yang, X., & Chen, L. (2019). Examining Knowledge as a Motivation for Attention to Breast Cancer–Related Information Across Different Media. International Journal of Communication,13, 21. (SSCI)
9. Chen, L., Yang, X., Fu, L., Liu, X., & Yuan, C. (2019). Using the Extended Parallel Process Model to Examine the Nature and Impact of Breast Cancer Prevention Information on Mobile-Based Social Media: Content Analysis. JMIR mHealth and uHealth,7(6), e13987. (SCI, 通讯作者)
10. Chen, L. &Yang, X. (2019). Using EPPM to evaluate the effectiveness of fear appeal messages across Different Media Outlets to Increase the Intention of Breast Self-Examination among Chinese Women. Health Communication,34(11), 1369-1376. (SSCI, 通讯作者)
11. 李静、杨晓冬:《社交媒体中“医疗众筹”信息分享行为研究:转发还是不转发?》,《新闻与传播研究》2018年第2期。(CSSCI,通讯作者)
12. Ho, S. S., &Yang, X. (2018). Communication, cognitive processing, and public knowledge about climate change. Asian Journal of Communication, 28(5), 449-467. (SSCI)
13. Yang, X., Chuah, A. S., Lee, E. W., & Ho, S. S. (2017). Extending the Cognitive Mediation Model: Examining Factors Associated With Perceived Familiarity and Factual Knowledge of Nanotechnology. Mass Communication and Society, 20(3), 403-426. (SSCI)
14. Yang, X., & Ho, S. S. (2017). Decreasing the knowledge gap among different socioeconomic status groups on the issue of climate change. Environmental Hazards, 16(3), 276-290. (SSCI)
15. Xu, X., Yang, X., Lu, J., Lan, J., Peng, T., Wu, Y., & Chen, W. (2017).Examining the effects of network externalities, density, and closure on in-game currency price in online games. Internet Research,27(4), 924-941. (SSCI)
16. Yang, X., Chen, L., & Feng, Q. (2016). Risk Perception of Food Safety Issues on Social Media. Chinese Journal of Communication ,9(2), 124-138. (SSCI)
17. Liao, Y., Ho, S. S., &Yang, X. (2016). Motivators of pro-environmental behavior: Examining the underlying processes in the influence of presumed media influence model. Science Communication, 38(1), 51-73. (SSCI)
2、2014-2016新加坡南洋理工大学自主研究项目Media Effects on Public Knowledge, Attitude and Behavior Related to Climate Change。
Email: yangxiaodong@sdu.edu.cn